At this address is a house on a lot in Spence ACT. Data from comparable sales value it at about $750,000. Built in 1975, with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
A Lot of Bang For Your Buck! If you are looking for flexibility, room to move and plenty of parking, then this property is for you.Perched in an elevated position on a quiet loop street close to the local shops, schools and public transport, sits this great family home.4 family bedroom ensuite home with good bones and has had some renovations done, but there is skope for further improvements.Plenty of room for the kids to play, great storage and if your currently struggling to find a place to park your vehicles, boats, trailors or caravans, problem solved...!!Sellers are motivated and their instructions are clear this property must be sold. Inspection is highly recommended.4 bedroomsEnsuiteUpdated bathroom with floor to ceiling tiles and spa.L shaped lounge/dining Updated kitchen. Double garage with remotes.Enclosed carport for additional parking and access to back yard.Good storage under the house.Good size back yard with established trees.Have you got the BUG?Join our propertybug email service for a first look at our new listings.