What does it take to run a SERVICE STATION OR SUPERMARKET / C-STORE What does it take to run a SERVICE STATION OR SUPERMARKET / C-STORE ?Care, Consistency, Attention, and Maintenance in regular intervals. Do this and develop good customer service and loyalty and you will be well on your way towards running a profitable BUSINESSIgnore these at your peril. Contrary to popular belief, a Service Station or Supermarket is not usually the type of business that you can visit once a week to collect your Money. On the contrary, your Business will require and thrive from consistent attention.WE SPECIALISE IN SERVICE STATIONS & SUPERMARKETS / C-STORES WE CAN HELP YOU FIND, BUY, SELL, ANALYSE, AND DEVELOP YOUR NEXT SERVICE STATION or SUPERMARKET/C-STORE WE SPECIALISE IN THIS NICHE INDUSTRY AND GET THE BEST RESULTS FOR OUR CLIENTS.CALL US TO DISCUSS YOUR NEEDS. Contact the market leadersPROPERTY FUSION AUSTRALIAThe Service Station & Supermarket Brokers 02 9793 3722www.propertyfusion.com.auGRAHAM OWEN 0412204000